Mom Burnout is Real

image of mom burnout
We push ourselves to the limit, both mentally and physically, until we finally reach a breaking point. Only then do we decide to take a step back and re-evaluate what’s important. However, by that point, it’s probably too late. We’ve already hit rock bottom and are struggling just to get by.


Being a mom is hard! Like, really hard! Like, I’m not sure how much more I can take of this, Hard.

(And spoiler alert: It doesn’t get easier)

Whether you’re a new mom or a mom with teens (like me) you have a million things coming at you every day. You feel:

  • pressured to be an engaged and attentive parent
  • pressured to keep up with all the household duties
  • pressured to excel at work
  • pressures from your own mom
  • pressures from your partner
  • and gosh darnit you even feel pressured to stay fit and looking cute while doing it all.

But you’re exhausted. Not just that kind of tired that goes away with a good night’s sleep (cuz let’s face it, that’s not happening). It’s the type of exhaustion that you feel deep in your bones. One that makes it difficult to continue on in the daily grind, let alone get motivated to do much of anything. Plus you feel like it’s all YOUR fault.

You feel like you’re falling completely short in life and that if you could just “get your shit together” things would be better. But if you find yourself overwhelmed and irritated by everything coming at you… There’s a damn good chance you have a case of “Mommy Burnout”.

I want to give you some long-term solutions I’ve used to help alleviate your stresses in a healthier, happier, easier way. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, scroll on down and let’s do this!

7 Solutions For Moms Who Are Burnt Out

If you’re like most moms, you’ve probably tried a lot of different self-care solutions, but let’s be honest, most of these are just temporary fixes that don’t address the root causes of the stressors you’re facing.

To truly combat “Mom Burnout”, you need to practice proactive self-care on a consistent basis.

1. Move Yo’ Body

It’s no secret that mental health and physical health are closely linked. After all, the mind and body are intimately connected.

Research has shown several benefits of physical activity.

Regular movement has also been shown to boost memory, enhance sleep, increase creativity, and boost confidence. So, if you’re looking for a simple way to improve your mental health, start by moving your body. It just might be the best medicine for what ails you.

Let’s get physical, physical, I wanna get…

2. Get Those Zzzzz

If you’re anything like me getting enough sleep is kinda like searching for buried treasures lost at sea.

As mothers, we have so much on our minds, that it’s nearly impossible to shut off our brains when it’s time to hit the pillow.

Laying in bed all night thinking about what needs to be done tomorrow will only make it worse. New research has given us access to several tips to reduce stress and sleep better.

  • Learn to relax
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Assess what is stressful
  • Get regular physical activity
  • Practice thought management

Just by making a few small changes in your routine, you can get the Zzzzz’s you need, and improve your overall health. So let’s stop searching for those buried treasures lost at sea and start taking the steps necessary to get there. After all, a good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold and jewels

3. Prioritize That Shit

Look, Mom Burnout is no joke! It’s that feeling of being so overwhelmed by everything that comes your way, that all you want to do is curl up in that oh-so pleasant fetal position and cry.

Yup! Been there, done that.

Anyway…context switching is the tendency to switch from one unrelated task to another. And while moms are known for being multi-taskers, juggling a bunch of balls in the air, all this is actually doing is wreaking havoc on our productivity, sanity, or anyone/thing (like the little doggo) crossing our path.

Time blocking is a time management method that allows you to take control of where and when you’re spending your time. By chunking related tasks together and setting aside specific times for them, you can minimize the amount of time you spend switching gears and maximize your efficiency. So if you’re looking for a way to cope with mom burnout, time blocking might be worth a try.

4. Get It Out On Paper, or App (It is 2023 afterall)

It’s an age-old bit of advice, you gotta take care of yourself before you can take care of others.

And how exactly are you supposed to do that? It’s not like you can just put your needs on the back burner while everyone else’s are taken care of. Which is what most of us moms do.

The best way to take care of yourself is by ACTUALLY taking care of yourself.

Setting goals and creating a plan to reach them.

Journaling is a great way to accomplish this.

Journaling helps to reduce stress and improve your emotional health, both of which are essential for taking care of your loved ones. And by putting it all down on paper or in an app, you’ll be able to fire up that brain power for other tasks. So go ahead and take care of yourself, your family will thank you for it.


5. Eat Yo’ Greens

We’ve all heard the saying “ You are what you eat” and sure, it sounds like a simple concept but it’s actually kinda game-changing.

Eating healthy isn’t about having the BMI of a 90’s supermodel or following the latest Kimmy K fad diet. It’s about giving your body the nutrients it needs to promote health and prevent those pesky diseases.

Getting in those nutrients can have a major impact on your overall well being, giving you more energy (for sexy time 😜), helping you think clearer and making you feel like Beyonce every time you pass by a mirror.

So break free of the diet mindset and start making healthy choices that nourish your inner Beyonce.


6. Me Time (Wink, Wink)

Is this even a Taboo subject anymore? I think not.

With all points leading to you, it’s time for you to take 5, get out those vibrators, and enjoy a little ‘me time’.

This one is a surefire way to alleviate any mom burnout you’re experiencing. Plus, you’ll be smiling more, which just might make everyone else around you treat you a little nicer for a time.

Orgasms increase dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, and testosterone levels and these increases can do wonders for your mental and emotional well-being.

For those of us who have spent time juggling full-time careers, child care, and whatever else happens to fall onto our lap (your 4 year olds spaghetti), this is a welcome benefit. So, here, let me prescribe you an orgasm. You can thank me later 😉

7. Get It Off Yo’ Chest

Being a parent is tough! Don’t believe the ones that say it isn’t, they’re LIARS. And it’s no surprise that from time to time you’re gonna have an argument about parenting duties (insert partner here)

While this can be challenging, it’s important to remember this is a team event (like Olympic pairs figure skating)

You’re not expected to go it alone. That’s why communicating with your partner and sharing the heavy load can make a big difference in getting that Olympic gold medal.

And I mean… added bonus to communication… Sexy Time 💦

Mental and Physical Health: the Keys to Mom’s Happiness

We all know the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” And yet, so many of us go through life completely ignoring our own needs.

We push ourselves to the limit, both mentally and physically, until we finally reach a breaking point. Only then do we decide to take a step back and re-evaluate what’s important. However, by that point, it’s probably too late. We’ve already hit rock bottom and are struggling just to get by.

Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity! If we want to be able to show up for others, we need to make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves first.

It’s not selfish to put your own needs first; it’s essential. So start being more intentional about taking care of yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic, small changes can make a big impact. Just remember that self-care is not a one-time thing, it’s something you need to do day in and day out, to maintain your health.

You Can Overcome Mom Burnout

While completely awful to experience, mom burnout is incredibly common given all the stresses in our daily lives. But life can get better, as you proactively take steps to reduce your stress and responsibilities and take time for yourself.

Taking care of yourself is the best way to be the mother, partner, friend, and community member you want to be.

You’ve got this girl!


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