The 4 Best At-Home Microbiome Tests Of 2023- And Why Gut Health Matters

Gut microbiome and why gut health matters

It’s no secret that your digestive system is intimately intertwined with the rest of your body systems, but how do you know if your gut health is in optimal shape..? Newer technology for at-home microbiome testing gives a glace into your gut microbiome, to better understand how it’s impacting the rest of your health. 

With nearly 70 million Americans facing digestive disease (YIKES! That’s a lotta peeps), taking charge of your gut health is as imperative as ever! Studies have shown poor gut health does not only affect the digestive system. It’s also been linked to skin issues, mood disorders, negative emotions, diabetes, and even cancers. What we eat and drink, our daily movement, sleep quality and stress levels all impact our gut microbes and digestion. 

Learning about your gut microbiome can give you insight into your overall health and well-being. To help you take your health to the next level, I’ve tested out and analyzed today’s best at-home microbiome testing options, to find out the best microbiome test available right now, so you don’t have to! (you’re welcome) 

What Is The Gut Microbiome?

Micro what now? You ask… The gut microbiome is the vast community of trillions of microorganisms living in our digestive tract, and these little guys have more power over your day-to-day life than you ever realize. In addition to supporting digestion, they help control weight, fight infection, regulate sleep and mood, and so much more. An imbalanced microbiome can impair your body’s ability to do these things.  

Dysbiosis, a fancy word for imbalanced gut bacteria, occurs when the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in your gut is outta whack. This can change the environment of the gut, leading to a whole host of digestive issues (we’ve all been there)

Each person’s gut microbiome will have different components to accommodate regional diversity. Further, your unique dynamic gut flora demands will be based on specific environmental forces. What’s considered a healthy guy one year may change the next. The gut microbiome is kind of a pivotal piece of our health (well… not kinda, it is a pivotal piece). Essentially, if you take care of it, it will take care of you! 

How To Test Gut Microbiome? 

Gut microbiomes are tested though… Yep! You guess it, fecal matter. So yes, you will need to collect a sample of your poop 💩. Although this doesn’t sound like the most delightful experience, this non-invasive method allows for the best insight into your digestive health. Certain at-home microbiome tests analyze only bacteria, while other more comprehensive tests include bacteria, fungi, bacteriophages, viruses, parasites and archaea

To play it safe, with all non-diagnostic testing, it’s always important to discuss results with a healthcare provider. Since at-home tests don’t take into account family history, lifestyle, diet, etc… to determine the cause of any symptoms. 

Equally important? Understanding that a single sample is unlikely to capture the full picture. Your gut microbiome is rapidly evolving based on a variety of factors, including, diet, stress, and even age. Studies have found that even doctors struggle to accurately test the gut due to its ever-changing nature. 

Who Should Use An At-Home Microbiome Test? 

At-home microbiome tests are a convenient and relatively inexpensive way to monitor your gut health. If you have been experiencing any digestive discomfort, testing your microbiome for the comfort of your own washroom can have an enlightening impact on your overall health and wellness. 

The following are all potential signs of sub-optimal gut health:

  • Bloating 
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort 
  • Gas 
  • Constipation 
  • Fatigue 
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Skin issues
  • Mood disorders 

Again, it’s always best to discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider, as there may be helpful clues in your history and physical exam that could lead to the need for more specialized testing. However, for a general overview of your gut health, or if you’re simply looking to make better-informed diet choices, an at-home gut microbiome test is a brilliant starting point. 

Do keep in mind, if you have recently finished a medication, such as antibiotics, which are known to impact the gut biome. It would be wise to check in with your Doc about those potential effects. The same goes for anyone experiencing severe digestive symptoms. 

At-home tests are not a source of diagnostic testing and are not a replacement for traditional medical care. Now with all the disclaimers complete, let’s get to the good stuff, shall we… 

How I Picked:


To get a clear picture of your gut health, you need an accurate test. I choose tests with high accuracy rates. 

✔ Turnaround Time:

Stool samples inherently take longer than blood samples, but some brands are much quicker to return results than others. I call this out below. 

✔ Biomarkers Tested:

There is a vast range of what at-home tests include, so I’ve made sure to point out these differences.

✔ Value:

You get what you pay for. I want to make sure you are spending wisely and getting the most our of your at-home test. 

My Picks For The Best At-Home Microbiome Tests of 2023

Best Overall:  Viome 

Viome offers three options of at-home tests for gut health, including one that evaluates cellular and oral health. The most basic option, “Gut Intelligence” is the foundational gut health test. Although it requires a “poop” sample like other at-home options, it uses mRNA, rather than DNA, to test your microbiome. This testing format allows for a more detailed report, providing insights on your gut lining, health, gas production (aka toots 🌬), digestive processes, and immune response. 

Once you’ve sent in that good ol’ poop sample, it’ll take about 2 to 3 weeks to receive results in a secure app. These results will outline your digestive deficiencies, as well as post-test recommendations for helping your gut. However, there’s no medical follow-up, so again, I recommend touching base with your doc before making any drastic changes to your routine. 


  • Most comprehensive test for multiple biomarkers 
  • Quick turnaround 
  • Clear & concise results with recommendations 
  • No follow up with a medical professional 

Best Follow-Up Care: BIOHM

BIOHM is a great option for those who want a more comprehensive understanding of their test results. When you send in your “poop” sample you’ll have two options to view your results. $130 test with written results and recommendations (similar to other brands) and $180 option with a live consultation for results. The latter allows you to ask clarifying questions and gain further insight into what your biomarker readings actually mean. 

With your results, you’ll be given a gut health score of 1 to 10. Although uncompliacted and simple, it may not provide enough detail for some – Which makes the live consultation even more valuable. 

Like most brands, BIOHM uses DNA to test for biomarkers. Just know that dead microorganisms can leave behind traces of DNA, which can be picked up by the testing method and “could” skew results. 

PURCHASE YOUR BIOHM GUT TEST KIT HERE (extra 20% discount for ya!)

  • Tests two biomarkers 
  • Offers a live consultation to review results
  • Uses only DNA to test 
  • Long wait time for results 

Best Subscription: Floré

Floré is a newcomer with great potential in the at-home testing market. It also tests DNA for multiple biomarkers and offers one of the shortest waiting periods for results. Follow-up care is also given with an included “care scientist” available to review the result after your test. However, some reviews have mentioned being underwhelmed with the detail of the result report, mentioning that the results seem generic, rather than individually tailored. 

However, this brand is still a standout for those who want regular gut testing. With the Floré subscription service, you’ll pay a monthly $79 subscription fee and receive a microbiome test every four months. 


  • A care scientist discusses your results with you 
  • Monthly subscription includes a test every 4 months 
  • An individually formulated probiotic, packaged as one pill a day can be included 
  • Some reviews mention a less-than-detailed results page

Best Budget: Ombre


Ombre is the least expensive option on my list, but the smaller price tag comes with less robust testing capabilities. The at-home test only evaluates your “poop” sample for bacteria, and the final report shared with users will only include the statistically significant results. For an additional $10, you can purchase additional reports for further insights rather than receiving an update on outliers. During normal business hours, you can also access the brand’s helpline with any questions or concerns about your test or results. However, this does not include access to medical support. 


  • Accessible helpline 
  • Subscribe and save option 
  • Only tests for bacteria
  • Charges extra moola for comprehensive results 

When Is The Best Time to Test For Microbiomes?

Gut microbiome tests use a sample of your poop (as we all know by know). Due to these circumstances, it’s unlikely consumers can schedule their collection time (unless of course your on a regular poop schedule… after coffee in the am, perhaps?) Fortunately, there is no consensus on the best time of day to test your gut microbiome. However, to get the most accurate results possible, it’s suggested that your mindful of the following:

  1. Take the test during a week that your diet is as near to normal as possible (in other words not before you start PMS’ing). You will not want to perform the test while you are outside your regular schedule, as your diet may alter your biome and not be a true representation. 

  1. Avoid taking the test when you are also taking medications or supplements that affect you microbiome, such as antibiotics or probiotics, as these will shift your results.


The Takeaway

We are learning more and more that gut health is directly related to your overall well-being. Making sure your gut microbiome is in optimal condition can alleviate digestive problems, improve mental health, and defend your body from disease. An at-home gut microbiome test gives a snapshot of how the delicate balance of biomarkers is affecting the rest of your body. To get the full picture of your gut health, I recommend using a test that includes the most amount of biomarkers. While your thinking of optimizing your health, take these natural practices into consideration. 

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