Are You Sober Curious?

Sober curious image of 2 wine glasses being filled and the other with a hand above from a sober curious individual

Sober curious is a cultural movement of people who give up drinking – not in response to addiction, but for health or other personal reasons. A lot of people never give up drinking completely while practicing sober curiosity.

Author Ruby Warrington, who coined the term “sober curious” in her 2018 book, encourages people to avoid drinking daily and not to drink more than anyone else at a party. 

This inclusive movement welcomes anyone who is not willing, ready, or prepared to give up the sauce quite yet. 

It doesn’t have to be a bummer to stop drinking (I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out) 

First off, there are all sorts of fun mocktails and non-alcoholic drinks you can still try. Second, there are a ton of self-care health benefits when you don’t drink. Like a stronger immune system, heart health, and improved sexual function. Third, giving up some or all of your drinking might actually help with binges that could develop into an addiction. 

Without further ado, continue reading below to learn all you need to know about sober curiosity… 

What Does Being “Sober Curious” Mean?

What does sober curious mean anyway..?  Being sober curious means you are careful about how much you drink (think mindful drinking). Many choose to quit drinking altogether, but not every sober curious person does so. 

Maybe you don’t drink as much and those around you. Or you avoid drinking everyday, or perhaps you are just curious about the surprising health benefits of abstinence. It is mainly about re-evaluating your drinking habits. (for instance, don’t be like Betty White, at least during morning coffee)(oh who am I kidding, be Betty White!). 

Of course, sober curious means something slightly different to each person who tries it. It is afterall, an inclusive and supportive cultural movement. 

For instance, some even swear off minimally-alcoholic drinks like kombucha, while others might have a single guilt-free drink at happy hour. 

What is the sober curious movement? The sober curious movement is an inclusive cultural movement promoting reduced alcohol consumption. The sober curious movement welcomes people who are not yet ready, willing, or planning to abstain from alcohol. 

Does being sober mean you never drink? No, being sober means you are not currently drunk or buzzed. Sometimes, people will say they are “sober’ to mean that they never drink, but this is not the only definition. 

A Brief History of Sober Curiosity

Throughout history, alcohol consumption has been the norm. We celebrate sporting events, mark special occasions, and weather difficult seasons of life with beer, champagne, and wine. Many people think it odd for people to remain sober unless they have a religious or health-related reason to do so (or a history of alcoholism).

Dry January, Sober September, and Sober October have all encouraged people to reevaluate their alcohol use for several years.

However, the term “sober curious” can be most attributed to Ruby Warrington, who wrote Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Connection Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol in 2018. 

In Warrington’s book, she discusses avoiding daily drinking, never drinking more than those around you, and making sure your drinking does not hurt those close to you. (Check out Warrington’s fun, enlightening, uplifting Sober Curious podcast for more!)

You may have heard of “teetotalers” in the 1800s. The Temperance Movement of the 19th century promoted abstinence from hard liquor in particular.

But in 1833, Richard Turner coined the term “teetotal”, possibly referring to “total temperance”, as in abstaining from all alcohol, not just hard liquor.

Since then, various popular figures have abstained from alcohol or encouraged others to stay sober.

What celebrities are sober? Many celebrities have chosen to remain sober, such as; 

Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus, Samuel L. Jackson, Naomi Campbell, Elton John, Natalie Portman, Keith Urban, Demi Lovato, Shania Twain, Bradley Cooper and Kim Kardashian. 

Some of them stepped away from alcohol after recovering from alcoholism, but many have simply given up drinking (or never started) because they prefer it that way. If you choose to go sober or sober curious, you are joining a rich history of famous people who chose to go the same way (Yay You!)


8 Health Benefits Of A (More) Sober Life 

You may be shocked to know that there are lots of benefits to your health and well-being, besides not feeling hungover the morning after. Cheers to better overall wellness 🥂(non-alcoholic cheers).

Liver Health 

Your liver will thank you when you stay off the drink for a while. Cirrhosis of the liver may occur in individuals who drink to excess.


Stronger Immune System

Many around the world are understandably concerned with their immune health. Binge drinking, even occasionally, can wreck your immune system. Laying off the bottle can make it easier to fight off infection.


Less Drinking Afterwards

Even if you only go sober for a month, such as for Sober October, studies show that individuals drink less after that short period of sobriety is finished. Since a quarter of adults participate in heavy drinking or binge drinking each month, it is worth looking into sober curiosity to curb those heavy drinking habits.


Better Sleep

Many people find a glass of wine helps them sleep. However, this is an illusion. The more you drink at night, the less REM sleep you get. This can lead to feeling crappy in the morning. Abstaining from those nightcaps might show you what true high-quality sleep feels like. 

Weight Loss

A lot of alcoholic drinks contain beaucoup (translation: a whole-lotta) calories. Cutting out these calories can help you lose weight – obviously! However moderate drinkers are unlikely to see much improvement in weight when they abstain. This one’s mainly for the heavier drinkers. BTW, heavy drinking as a young adult increases the likelihood of being overweight and/or obese by 41%.

Improved Heart Health

Drinking less may help lower high blood pressure and reduce the overall risk of heart disease.


Reduced Cancer Risk

About 4% of cancer deaths are alcohol-related. The Department of Health and Human Services lists alcohol as a known human carcinogen. It makes sense that sober curiosity may reduce your risk of cancer. Even though females get intoxicated faster, men account for more alcohol-related cancer cases. Although… With that said. Studies have shown that a glass of red wine a day can reduce your risk of cancer (you do you, this is sober-ish after all) 

Sexual Function

Alcohol can lead to erectile dysfunction, decreased vaginal wetness, delayed male ejaculation, and other sexual dysfunctions. Going sober can prevent these vibe-killing issues. (Bow Chika Wow Wow!!)

5 Tips For a Successful Sober Curious Life 

Take up meditation 

Prayer, mindfulness, and reading are great examples of quiet time that not only fills the time when you could be thinking about alcohol, these all reduce stress levels. Bonus points for being outside and taking in that Vitamin D.

Replace Alcohol with Alcohol-Free Alternatives

Think cocktails to mocktails, there are a plethora of non-alcoholic alternatives on the market. Whatever your drink of choice, there’s a mocktail variety to be found. A few of my personal faves Corona Sunbrew, Sobrii 0 Proof Gin (Hot Tip: fresh squeeze of lime, topped off with some Fever-Tree tonic Delish!) Plus the internet is a wealth of info when it comes to delicious mocktail recipes. 

Get Your Friends on The Bandwagon 

Not only would you be doing your friends a favor (re: health benefits), but it makes your journey easier too (It’s okay to be a little selfish). Not to mention, half of American millennials are reducing their alcohol consumption, according to recent studies. You are not alone. It’s trendy, we promise.

Find Places Where Alcohol Is Not The Main Focus

Connecting with like minded individuals, going for a hike. (So many benefits can come from going for a nice walk in the sun and fresh air),  and people who hold the same values as you, can make it easier to stick with your sober curiosity and help you feel less alone. 

Create a Plan 

Kinda a no-brainer… Write down your specific goals and unique reasons why it is good to get alcohol out of your life. Knowing your target helps you aim in the right direction. 

Why “Sober Curious” Isn’t Right for Alcoholics 

For those struggling with alcoholism, sober curiosity is not the right step. If you are dealing with alcohol use disorder, there are several immediate steps you can take to find the support you need for your journey to recovery.

Specifically, sober curious people don’t necessarily stay away from alcohol in all forms. This is one of the key parts of alcohol abuse recovery that doesn’t jive with a simple curiosity.

Contact these support groups right away if you need help with alcoholism/alcohol abuse:

Criticism of Sober Curiosity  

The sober curious movement is not for everyone, especially those who struggle with alcohol use disorder.

Some critics complain that the sober curiosity trend trivializes the complex recovery process that so many have to go through their entire lives. Many experts consider alcohol use disorder a spectrum, not a binary on-or-off condition. For some, it may not be so obvious that they have a drinking problem, making temporary breaks from alcohol a tempting alternative to seeking professional support and totally abstaining from alcohol.

Also, make sure you don’t give up alcohol just to replace it with drugs or other substances.

On a lighter note, going sober curious is cause for celebration, but your friends do not want to hear you talk about it every single time you see them.

Ready To Start Your Alcohol-Free Life?

Whether it is short-term or for the rest of your life, you can start your alcohol-free (or more sober) life with the sober curious movement.

To be sober curious is a valid wellness choice that can help you reevaluate your relationship with drinking alcohol. Whether it’s just for Sober September or Dry January, or if it’s the next stage in your life, there are so many people out there who are eager to support new members of this healthy trend.


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